Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I almost had a wreck today. I really don't understand where that truck came from. I mean it was one of those bright yellow trucks that belongs to the state. I looked all three ways, twice. pulled out and oh! slammed on brakes just in time to miss the yellow pickup truck right in front of me. What I think is that he came around the curve really fast trying to catch up with the rest of the state trucks that have passed by just 15 seconds earlier, because I know the sharp curve is the last place that I looked because it is a dangerous place to pull out, the curve being right at the intersection and it's a real sharp curve that you really can't see traffic until it's right at you.. The only other thing that could have happened is ;'that I just didn't see a big yellow truck. Anyway what ever the reason, I know God's hand was there helping my van stop just short of hitting the truck.

I've had a lot of almost's in my life. And I know that God has seen everyone of them and has had His hand securely on me. Some of the almost's are things that I was hoping would happen that didn't, things that I was disappointed about. And I wondered why God didn't let it happen. But now in my somewhat old age. I stand back and praise God that He kept these things from me. It was more a blessing to me that I not have them.
God knows what is good for us, and even when we think that God has deserted us because of circumstances. He's right there, trying to bring comfort to us in our hurts. Bringing strength and courage to us in our fears. Oh my friends we have such a great God, so forgiving of our weaknesses, So merciful with ever abounding grace. There is nothing that God will not help us get through. But each of us must remember that God's will is not always our will. We must consider what God's will is for us, We can find that out though prayer and a closeness to Him.
Have a wonderful day and until tomorrow, God bless each one of you.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Good report

Well Willard and I went to Chapel Hill for me to get a check up. The Doctor said every thing was looking good. Thank God. After cancer and everything else I've been though, That sounded so good to me. It would seem that God still has some work on this earth that I can do.
People, every day is such a blessing. And so many of us take mornings first light for granted. Every minute is precious so be ever grateful for all of them.
God Bless

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Christian Freedom

You know I got to thinking about the Muslin's up there in Washington. And then I got to thinking that the government has taken the ten commandments out of all the government buildings. And I got to thinking about the so called separation of church and state. And mind you, I'm not that up on the laws of the land or politics for that matter. But is it only Christians that the government want to separate it's self from? Should Christians protest? Please submit you answer.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

From Judy

This is something that Judy sent me. Please, Please take the time to read it.
Some of you may be wondering what Judge Roy Moore has been doing since he was removed from the bench for refusing to remove the Ten Commandments from his courtroom wall. Please read the poem he wrote. It's below his picture

The following is a poem written by Judge Roy Moore from Alabama ... Judge Moore was sued by the ACLU for displaying the Ten Commandments in his courtroom foyer. He has been stripped of his judgeship and now they are trying to strip his right to practice law in Alabama ! The judge's poem sums it up quite well.
America the beautiful,or so you used to be.
Land of the Pilgrims' pride;I'm glad they'll never see.
Babies piled in dumpsters,Abortion on demand,
Oh, sweet land of liberty;your house is on the sand.
Our children wander aimlesslypoisoned by cocaine
choosing to indulge their lusts,when God has said abstain
From sea to shining sea,our Nation turns away
From the teaching of God's loveand a need to always pray
We've kept God in ourtemples,how callous we have grown.
When earth is but His footstool,and Heaven is His throne.
We've voted in a governmentthat's rotting at the core,
Appointing Godless Judges;who throw reason out the door,
Too soft to place a killerin a well deserved tomb,
But brave enough to kill a babybefore he leaves the womb.
You think that God's notangry,that our land's a moral slum?
How much longer will He waitbefore His judgment comes?
How are we to face our God,from Whom we cannot hide?
What then is left for us to do,but stem this evil tide?
If we who are His children,will humbly turn and pray;
Seek His holy faceand mend our evil way:
Then God will hear from Heaven;and forgive us of our sins,
He'll heal our sickly landand those who live within.....But,
America the Beautiful,If you don't - then you will see,
A sad but Holy God withdraw His hand from Thee.
~~Judge Roy Moore~~
Thanks Judy that was a powerful message. One that we all need to take to heart
God Bless

New track

Hey, I got a new track yesterday. I had to save up my money for this one. I practiced it some, But I hope to get much better. lol

God Bless

From Angela

I know I haven't updated the family in awhile. So here goes. Alanna has surgery on December 10th at the University of Minnesota. During this surgery they will remove her pancreas and do what is called an auto-islet cell transplant. This is where they take the insulin producing cells from her pancreas and inject them into her liver. After a few weeks, the liver will start producing insulin much like the pancreas would and will hopefully leave her without having to worry about becoming diabetic from her disease (which has left her father insulin dependent diabetic). It will also leaver her pain free. Howard unfortunately cannot have this surgery since he has no cells left.

Howard is on two different pain medications (very strong ones) 4-6 times per day for his daily pain and has missed a lot of work because of it. I cannot tell you how many times we have not gotten a paycheck. Ugh. That makes it rough around Christmas. We are trying to not dip into our savings but we have had to on numerous occasions.

I have surgery on monday where they will remove cervical (upper) discs 6 and 7. I will be in a hard neck brace and will be unable to work for 8 weeks. I will get partial pay but not a whole paycheck after a few weeks. More money lost at Christmas but the doctor's do not seem to have any other resolution to get me off of 3 different pain medications 4 x per day.

Wow, I was trying to keep it simple! But that's the update on us so far. Just keep us in your prayers and I will let you know more as I know.

All my love

Friday, September 25, 2009

Christians beware

you know I have no better way of telling you except to send you to another web site..
I will say this though, If there were a Christian president in office , This would have never happened!

Go to this web site and see what is happening.

I pray that God will still bless America, in spite of itself.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

From grapes to the sin in our society

Well I have sure been lazy this week with my blog. But in a way that's a good thing. I have found other more important things to do. I was hoping to get some grapes and make lots of grape jelly, But alas, Adaline called and said the birds had done away with most of the grapes this year. Jean had a few that she offered me but not enough to even think about jelly, I told her to give them to someone else.

With the economy the way it is, I'm trying to scrape up any and everything I can to can or freeze that I can. And I realize that Willard and I aren't the only ones that are needing to tighten our belts. In fact there are many that are far worse off than we are. And believe you me, I pray for every one of them. I may not know their names or anything about them, but God knows each and everyone of them and what their needs are.

I'm telling you folks, The Bible is fore filling all the prophecies from Isaiah, Daniel, Revelations of John and Jesus Christ Himself. Things are waxing worse and worse. The world is becoming as evil as Sodom and Gomorrah. Look around, Its not just the non church people that are doing these things, it's some of the churches themselves. I think you know the churches that I speak of. They are embracing same sex unions, teaching that it is not wrong to be homosexual, even having minsters that are homosexual stand up in their churches and preach. And we wonder why America is not the rich fertile nation of just a few decades ago. My friend we started taking God out of our schools, That was the first step into the heathen society that we see now. And it continues as our government one law by one law, deletes our God's name out of every building. and passes laws that quites the citizens tongues from saying the name of Jesus in public places. And my friends the Christian will feel the sting of the punishment too, as it rains on the Sinner the Christians will get wet too.

God Bless all of you in the hard times to come.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Well it's Monday, I went over to Golden Years for the Bible study. It was a great time. I had more people than the norm. Jennifer the activity director helped get some of them that are not generally there. Jennifer is such a nice person, She cares deeply for people, showing kindness and respect to all that she meets, as far as I've seen. I don't think there are many people like her on this planet. Any way, we didn't do but one chapter today, Genesis chapter 42. We started by talking about the consciences of the brothers of Joseph. Even as they found the money was back in the sacks, They wondered if God was punishing them for what they had done to Joseph so many years earlier. And of course that touched off a conversation about our consciences and whether or not, we too had things on our consciences that had been for years. Mr. Maynard told a story that was a bit funny, but yet was so sad. It seems that he too had carried a secret of something that he had did when he was in the service. He had forgotten his helmet and did not want to be caught without it, so he took another mans helmet in the effort to stay out of trouble. He got by with it, leaving the man on the end to pay the punishment. Mr. Maynard said he went to see the man that lived in another state, With the purpose of telling him the truth of the whole thing. He paid for the bus fare and everything, but when it came down to it, he couldn't bring himself to telling the man the truth, especially when the man remembered the incident as if it were just last week. although it had been fifty long years. Mr. Maynord said he even asked him again if he "Mr. Maynard" knew who had done it. Mr. Maynard say he told him he didn't know. And again the man came to see Mr. Maynard a few years ago, Mr Maynard said he again backed out from telling him the truth, even though he wanted very much to free himself from the guilt and come clean. Mr Maynard, looked at me and asked, wonder why I couldn't tell him the truth?

And you know I suspect that there are many of us in that same situation. That have carried something that we did wrong with us for years. And just as I had no answer for Mr. Maynard, I have no answer for anyone else. We do what we do, and hopefully one day, maybe at the gates of Heaven where we'll ''have'' to get it straight with one another. It's a puzzle that I'll just leave at that.

God Bless

Thursday, September 17, 2009

hurting people with lies

My Bible study yesterday was in Genesis chapter 39, where Potiphar's wife told the lie that changed Joseph's life from one of high esteem and luxury, to a life of drudgery and enslavement in prison. Mr. Maynard made a statement on how lies can and do change a person's life. Listen people, you may think those lies that you tell are little white lies, and that they don't hurt anyone. I don't care how small the lie, or why the lie was told. Any lie tells something about the character of the person that is telling it. And you may think that you are getting by with the lie, when all along the person you are telling it to, knows perfectly well you are lying. I know many people that tell their little white lies 'as some call them' . And for what purpose I couldn't tell you. But, the thing is they keep forgetting what they told, so from day to day the lie changes. So I just listen to them tell one lie after the other. So the question arises, What do you do? I'm asking you friends, I would love to get some feedback.

God bless

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Music and TV's influence on our country

Someone whom I won't name, and I were having a conversation the other day. The conversation was on singers, celebrities ,etc.You see I don't watch certain celebrities or listen to the music of certain singers. It has to do with their lifestyles and the message that they are sending into our society. An example would be Elvis. He lived to my opinion a drug and Alcoholic lifestyle. To me he was an example of moral decay. So is to me the woman on a talk show that flunks her gay lifestyle. There are many of them on TV and radio, sending evil messages all over. To our young children of two to three years, to the senior citizens in their nineties.

I'll tell you, I use to keep my TV on even if I was not watching it just to have noise. But the noise I'm hearing on it lately, even in the commercials is trash in my opinion. And we wonder what is happening to our young people. They hear this trash all over, they lesson to music that embraces homosexual behavior, murder, drugs.. I, not so long ago heard a child that came from a Christian family singing, ""I kissed a girl and I liked it"" Which I believe is a song written by a woman and is sang by a woman. The child that I am talking about is barely six years old, and to my opinion this song is having a great influence on her. David my son use to lesson to music that I firmly stated to him was not the kind of music that he or anyone else should be listening to, and I have told him "" not in my house"".

Parents show your children that you disapprove of certain shows by turning them off. And parents listen to the music your children are listening to, You may be shocked.

God Bless

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Pastor removal

A friend sent me this in an E-mail today

Pastor Removal from Television > > Removal of Joel Osteen, Donald Hillard, Michael & Dee Dee Freeman, Joyce > Meyer, Charles Stanley, David Jeremiah, Floyd Flake, Paul & Deborah > Morton, William Watley, Zachary Tims, and other pastors from the > airwaves. An organization has been granted a Federal Hearing on the same > subject by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in Washington ,

A petition is being sent around the Internet to support the TV ministries. I'm not smart when it comes to petitions, but I don't believe that the ones that go around in these E-mails will do any good, I think it has to be signed by the person, with address etc. I don't think that it being on a list on a printout sheet is going to amount to much.
If this is really true, let's get in a bus and ride to D.C. and protest in person. I've got a scooter and will ride up and down Pennsylvania Ave all day every day, with a protest sign. Just have a portapottie close by. Seriously, I'll go, The Devil and his workers have took enough from this nation. It's time to stand up for Jesus. Who wants to go. Let's get a nation of Christians that will stand up and say enough!
God Bless

Friday, September 11, 2009

Not again!

Yes again. I had to wipe my PC again. I got some kind of virus that prevented me from going on the Internet. So I couldn't go on Embarq's site to do their virus thing-a-ma-doddle. lol

Just think of that person that sit for hours on a keyboard just so he/she could do this. How sick minded this person and others like he/her must be. To have nothing better to do than to hurt others. And yes, I lost some pictures that I had taken recently and some other stuff, that will take hours to re inter. But hey I guess some one enjoyed theirselves. You know what I'm going to do? I am seriouly going to pray for this person. I'm going to pray real hard that he/she finds the Lord and receives Christ as Lord and Savior. Yes thats what I'm going to do.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


A person can't even say this date without thinking of all the lives that were lost that day. Most can't remember the year , but they remember that date. I remember that date for another reason too. 9/11 was my mother in laws ""Cora's"" birthday. So 9/11 brings double sadness for me. Cora here's to you, although I miss you I know that you are in the arms of Jesus Christ. Happy birthday.

Also I would like to send my sincere sympathy to all the families that are still grieving. Grieving for lost mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, and so many more. May God in Heaven, bring you peace. May the Lord God comfort you as you remember your loved ones on this day.
God Bless

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


My sister Jean gave me the beads that she had, because I guess she was tired of messing with them, Thanks Jean!!!!
Well here's the first thing that I made from the beads.
This is a St Peterburg style necklace.
God bless

Gardenia's planted

Willard planted the "9" gardenia's on labor day September the 7Th. I'm let you all know how they do.
God Bless

Monday, September 7, 2009


September the 8th is Jean's granddaughter, Brittney's birthday.

Also on the 9th is Jordan's birthday. He is Jean's grandson

also on the 9th is Garrett's birthday. He is Sherrill and Judy's grandson.

Happy birthday to you all. I hope that you all have a fantastic day. and may all your hopes come true on your special days.

God Bless

Two sided people

Two sided people, ah, I bet you thought I was talking about someone else. No, in fact I'm talking about you, me and everyone else on the planet. We all have a good side, and we all have that bad side that causes us to sin and do things that we ourselves don't like. I get mad at people for hardly no reason, Take the man who fills my grocery bags too full, even when I've asked him to please not. He makes me so mad that I feel like punching him. And it's not funny, because I should not feel that way about anyone. I get mad about little things. Sometimes I feel that I should be first to be waited on just because I'm me. On and on and on. Hey! don't sit back and read this and think that you are not the same way. We all are! And the thing about it is that we could be better if we would. Think when you get mad, "" is it all about me, or is there a real injustice going on. If it's all about you, pray that the feeling will pass, and that God will forgive you for the feeling of self importance.

There are times when anger is appropriate. When you see others being hurt, then the anger is well placed. Even Jesus got mad about the money changers defrauding the people.

OK, So I've confessed a little once more of my not so perfect life. But I just wanted you to know that you weren't the only one to fall into this kind of temptation. I have failed many times too.

God Bless

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Gardenia's ready to plant

So if you will remember, in the spring when the gardenia's were blooming. I got some cuttings and smelled the sweet aroma of the flowers for a few days, then cut the flowers off and left the stems in water. I showed you a picture of the roots that had started spouting. I gave some advice that you should get you some cuttings from your neighbors bush and root you some yourselves.

Well if you did, you have something like this now.

And if you put them at a window where they were getting a little light then the tops should look like this.

OK now your gardenia's are ready to plant.
Now is the perfect time to plant because they still have time to take root in the ground before cold weather sets in.

So, if you didn't do it this year, maybe you will next year.
Good luck and God Bless

Happy birthday Bobby

Today is my son Bobby's birthday. Don't tell anyone, but he turned the big 40 today. Where did all the years go?


I love you, have a wonderful birthday. And God bless.

Love from me all over the place.

God Bless

Friday, September 4, 2009


picture from the
Firefighters gaining on Los Angeles-area wildfire
By RAQUEL MARIA DILLON Associated Press Writer

There are people, that think it so funny to pull a joke on some one, or do something as a prank.

Most of these people think ""what's the harm"" and most get by with it. They go into cemeteries and smash the stones, They think that's real funny. They have no ideal the hurt that is caused by their actions, The grief and expense that the family will bare, has no effect on their already harden hearts.

Someone went in the forest near Los-Angeles and just for the fun of it, lit a match or lighter and set something on fire. They thought it was funny, I suppose. But how do you think they feel now, knowing that because of their actions, property and homes of many have been destroyed and lives have been taken? I know that you have all been reading about the fires and how they have been burning 10 days or more now. so I won't rehash all the news articles.

I just want to bring to people's attention that jokes, pranks, and those sort of things are not always funny nor are they always innocent. So just watch yourselves and think before you do something that you may regret.

God bless

Wildfire's origin probed in blaze near Los Angeles
By RAQUEL MARIA DILLON Associated Press Writer

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What's love got to do with it?

what's love got to do with it. I know most of us recognize this as a song title . Have you ever noticed That when someone truly loves you , that they're rarely say the words ' I love you '. Willard Hardy Ever tells me in words, but by every action he takes. while on the other hand , there are people that say (I love you ) to me all the time , but rarely show it .

Christ told us in words that He loved us, and then He showed us the ultimate signs of His love. He took our place. We should all be eternally dammed for all our sins. But Christ stepped in with a love so big, a love so undescribable. We can't explain that love, we just know it's there because we feel Christ's presents in our hearts and in our lives. He walks with us every second, and is there before we even know we need Him.

I wish with all my heart that my unsaved family and friends would come to know that same Jesus Christ. To know that kind of love. To have that confidants in something that is greater that all. A love so great that it envelopes you and comforts you in a way that is not describable in human words.

If you don't know this kind of love, then you don't ""really"" know Christ as Lord and Savior. Let me ask this question. Are you living your life just using the name Jesus and saying you are a Christian, Or have you been born again? have you really let Christ in your hearts, and turned your life over to Him?

Call on Him now, Get to know that same Jesus Christ, You know, the one that gave His life for you. Yes, That Jesus.

God bless

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

house work

Well I don't have to go to the nursing home today, so it's a fine time to do what I hate most, cleaning house. I know a few people out there that have show place homes and would cringe at the look of my home, and most likely have. My house is lived in and I like it that way. Willard and David both drag in a pound of dirt a week on their shoes. Willard , on a week end goes in and out , in and out. bringing all sorts of stuff in the house on the bottom of his shoes. I try not to worry about it, as I wait until afternoon when he is in the house for the day. I am not one of those wives or that kind of house wife to jump up with a broom or dust mop every time he comes in and gets grass, leaves and dirt on the kitchen floor. Something that some of you wives should get to know is, most men don't care! Just as long as their belly is full and they have clean clothes in their draws and closet, they could care less that there is tooth paste splatters on the bathroom mirror that they just put there when they brushed their teeth. they don't care about the trash beside their chair. An they don't care to remember how it got there. I could go on and on, but I think you all get the drift. I married Willard, I did not marry this house. I am Willard's wife not the house's wife.

Hey I know men that have to take off their shoes before they come in the house. I could only wish that Willard would, but I'm not making a big deal about it. Because I care more about him than the house. And after all, it's his house too.

When I lived alone I kept a very neat and tidy home. But sorry folks, I'm not running behind any one with a broom and a dust pan, and a cleaning clothe. OK now that I've said all that, on with the cleaning.

God Bless

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


This little green beast is really not funny.
Jealousy can cause so much more than most of us would think. Our Bible study group talked about jealousy today. It started with reading Chapter 26 of Genesis. Where king Abimelech who at the beginning gave an order to his people that no one would cause any harm to Isaac or Rebekah. But as Isaac grew larger in the number of servants, herds, and all that he had. Abimelech grew jealous and had his servants to fill in the wells that Isaac was getting water from. Isaac moved and again Abimelech's servants fought about the wells. It was only when Isaac was far enough away from Abimelech that they stopped fighting over the water rights. There are so many places in the Bible that show us jealousy of one sort or another. Jealousy in families, Children against children. Jealousy will destroy our very souls if we let it. One of the men at the Bible study group made a comment that really needed addressing. He said that there are those people that want others to be jealous of them. He said it made some people happy when they thought others envied them. And I couldn't help but agree with him. Because I know some of those types of people myself. And it dawned on me, that, that type of behavior is as bad if not worse than the people that are jealous.

Jealousy is an evil spirit that rips apart family's & friendships, and for that matter entire nations. And what for , you be the judge on that one. I know what has caused my jealous moments. What has caused your's. Be honest with yourself and just go to the Lord with it. He is a wonderful Savior that forgives. His grace is sufficient for each and every one of us. Thank God for that.

God bless.