Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Remember the Israelites and how they kept turning away from God? Then when things would get bad, They would all start praying for God to rescue them from their troubles. Then sure enough, just as soon as life was good again, they would turn their backs from God again. God left them to their own choices, you know , free will and all. Then when God had, had enough, He gave them no choice. They were taken into exile, and scattered across to globe, to serve other peoples. Now we sit back and say what fools they were. All they had to do was serve God, and all would be well with them. Who are we kidding? Remember 9-11? After 9-11 the churches were packed. But slowly as our nation's people saw no more attacks on American soil, the pews started to empty out once again. Just like the Israelites, Americans have put other ''''idols'''' things before God. Let's not kid ourselves, percentage wise, there are less Christians in America than has ever been. America is turning away from God. It’s social behavior an insult to all that is Holy. But remember, we have free will. God is letting us make our own choices. Only trouble is, When Jesus comes, AND HE WILL, All choices then will be taken away. Then it will be only one choice. Heaven for the saints, or hell for the unsaved. Just as the Israelites had a simple choice of serving God or no. We have that same choice. Except Jesus as our Lord and redeemer, or no. When Jesus comes it will be too late. Then there will be no choice given. Don’t burn in hell for an eternity for making the wrong choice now! My prayer is to see you in Heaven when time is no more. Until next time God bless and God save

Monday, March 28, 2011

Depression is a terrible thing. There are those that live every day of their lives fighting against an invisible force that seems to weight their mind down. They can't think straight, nor can they give a rational explanation as to why they can't keep their mind on anything for any length of time. Depression not only hurts the person whom are in that state, it hurts the entire family. Depressed people withdraw into a shell, hoping others will just leave them alone. And the awful truth in, many times they are left alone, because their family and friends, just don't know what to do or say.

David felt this when he was in the cave of Adullam. He felt deserted, not only by the people, But by God Himself. We read many times in the book of Psalm's, David describing how he felt as God stood at his right hand. But this Psalm we read that David was even without the presents of God by his side. How very lonely David must have felt, how completely desolate he must have felt all alone in the dark cave.

Ps 142:4 I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul. Remember this friends there is no place where God can't go. No matter how dark the cave God is there. He's with us no matter what. He will never forsake us. Whatever your or my needs are, God is there to supply them. I hope that if you are depressed. If you are having feelings of despair, feelings where you may feel, deserted, unloved. Remember God loves you so very much. Call on Him. I promise He will be there for you.

Until next time God bless and God save.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Willard and I went to Golden Years this morning. I sang a few songs. Mrs Baker sang right along with me on each and every song. She always asks if I will sing Amazing grace. That ''she states'' each time is her Daddy's favorite song. You can tell she really loved her dad, every time she speaks about him, her face lights up.

Mr. Jack was back, out of the hospital. He's had pneumonia, and was real bad off there for a while. He's still sick, and looks awfully weak. He cried when I was talking about Jesus coming back for his saints, as if he was looking forward to that day.

And Mr Maynord's face lit up when Willard gave him the diet Sundrop we had purchased for him at the store. Mr. Maynord's loves Sundrops, and only gets one when Willard and I go, or he goes to church and then home for a little while on Sundays.

Each time I go I see these dear people. I see where each one of them have deteriorated from the time before. It just breaks my heart knowing that each one of them will leave this world at any time. They don't have years to live. Some may only have days. And yet each and every one of them are blessings. They each wear smiles on their faces as if they know a secret that no one else knows. But I know the secret. It's the joy of Jesus Christ in their hearts, and the Holy Spirit ever present in their lives.

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Yep, I think they know this and much more.

God blesses me thou them.

Until next time God bless and God save.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I've been sick for a few day now, with an intestinal virus. Let me tell you, that's some rough stuff. I'm almost over it, well enough to write my blog anyway.
Willard always goes to bed earlier than I. And most time's he's already well into his night's sleep, when I get to bed. Last night, as I laid in bed, I noticed just how much room was between Willard and I. A funny but sad thought hit me. The funny thought was'' gee there's plenty of room in the middle for someone else''. The sad thought was, '' when we first married, you would not have been able to put a dime between us''. Don't get me wrong, our marriage is wonderful, and we love each other very much. I know a lot of older people that not only sleep well apart, but sleep in separate beds. And they are happy in their marriage. And love each other deeply. I guess as you get older, sleep is sleep, and embracing is embracing, and the two are not Twain.
I wish that I could explain just how wonderful Willard has been to me, during my treatments, and all the other illnesses that I've been through. It seems like the last six or seven years, it's been one thing right after another. My first cancer, and all the treatments. then many episodes in the emergency room with my intestines, with finally a bowel resection. Once that was corrected, cancer again, with treatments, back and forth to Chapel Hill again. Every time I have ever needed Willard, he has been there, no matter what it was. He's a good man, and a good Christian. I love him so very much. So you see, all that space in the middle of the bed means nothing, because it's full of love too.
Until next time God bless, God save, and have a wonderful day.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ever wanted something so badly that you saved and did without other things to achieve your gold of obtaining the object of your desire? The funny thing about things like that. is many times we find it wasn't as special as we thought it would be. I have done this many times I must confess. But what is really odd is that things that seem like trash to others, are what we claim as our prised possessions. I have a tiny cut out of a moose, that David cut out, from an empty cigarette carton when he was about four years old. Tho crude, for a four year old to do something like that, I thought was just amazing. There are many things that we keep as our treasures that will just go into the trash after we leave this world. From the hands of someone who doesn't see the significances of what these things meant to us. Humans are sentimental when it comes to objects that remind us of special times, special people, and special places. We hold these things dear to heart, just as we hold all the people that we love so dearly in our hearts. It's when we get older and more mature that we realize what is really important. Our family and friends. It's the love that we hold in our hearts for our loved ones that keeps us grounded. It's the love for God, and the never ending sincere desire to serve Him that stabilizes us.

When we take time to review and look at what we keep as our true treasures, its not anything we have bought, that we thought we just had to have. We look and see things that have no cost. Those are the things that bring us the most joy in life.

Until next time God bless and God save.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hey I've got a little bit of hair now!!!!!!!!!!
I'd like to tell you all that there are still wonderful people out there in the world. Since I found out about my cancer, all sorts of people have stepped up to say kind words, lift Willard and I up in prayer. Bring meals, food, give gas money for all those trips to Chapel Hill and back. Just so very many things it's hard to remember them all. Wilma and Arthur Johnson sent checks twice for gas money. It was so much appreciated, especially since gas prices are so high. I want to say a special thank you, to Wilma and Arthur for their kindness.

Susan Sanders sent me fingernail polish, teal in color. Which was the color of the ribbon for my particular cancer. I know that this does not seem like much, but it was a gesture of love, which I appreciate, and it really touched my heart. Thank you Susan for your kindness.
Now Weldon and Kay Glover, sent many delicious prepared meals. They also supplied some groceries for us. Now I'm not speaking of can goods, I'm speaking of steaks, pork chops and many other items that were well appreciated. They really showed what Christlike people are all about.
JC and Joyce also brought meals. They would also bring us fish plates from the fish restaurant in Fayetteville that they go to.
Even my pharmacists, went out of her way to make sure that I got medicines that I needed. She spent lots of time on the phone getting things straightened out about the insurance\Medicare when things got mixed up.
There are many genuine good people out there. My care while taking chemo was extraordinary. The nurses were great. They let you know that they cared, and made you feel right at home. And that's important when you're setting there five hours each time.
But most of all I'd like to thank God for His healing power, for healing me once again from this awful disease called cancer. We surely have a loving God who cares for us and is there for us. He must want me to do something more with my life, because, I'm still here. I am and will live to serve him every waking minute. He is my rock, strength and Savior, and I live to serve him. If I have overlooked anyone please forgive me, and know that I appreciate all who were there for me. Until next time God bless each one of you, and God save.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It seems to me that salvation is such a simple process. Believe, repent, receive. Believe that Christ died on the Cross for you, repent of your sins and turn away from them and receive Christ as your personal Savior. And yet my friends there are people''''some ever claim to be Christians"" that say there are more ways to Heaven than Christ Jesus. They have told this lie, and many non Christians and Christians have started to live by this untruth. They believe in this because it's an easy way to be able to do what they want to, whenever they want to. They don't have to live by any Christ-like standard. And after all they think,''I'm a good person"". They don't think that a loving God would ever send a ''good person'' to hell. Well let me explain something to these people. God is a loving God. That's exactly why He sent His only begotten Son ''Jesus Christ"" into this world of sin. To suffer and die for any and all that will believe in Him, ""Jesus Christ"". God would not have done this if there was any other way. Did God do all this in vain? I think not!
John 14:6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

There's no if, ands or buts about it. Jesus Christ ''is'' the only way. Be careful you're not fooled into believing a lie! It's the most important decision you'll ever make in your life.
2Thessalonians 2:11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
Until next time God bless and God save.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

There are some people that trouble seems to follow around, as they say. But my observation has a different view of this. I have noticed that many people cause their own problems by not thinking about how, what they do effects others around them. Plus they don’t think about the consequences that may spring from their actions.
I remember when I was young, no one could tell me anything. I didn’t want to listen to anyone. My Mom and many others tried to give me good advice . But I thought I knew it all and had the world by the tail. I, like many of the young people of today’s world didn’t want to hear from older people’s experiences, or what they had learned in life. I so wish , I would have listened to a generation that was wiser than myself. But just like most young people now, I made foolish mistakes and deafen my ears to common sense advice.
I see a generation of wreckless people, who seem to have no morals coming of age, and it really worries me. Each generation seems to be more perverted, without conscience or remorse for their actions.
Isaiah 57:20 But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.
Until next time God bless and ‘’Please’’God save