Bible prophecy is being fulfilled and still people don't believe.
I cry every night for lost souls to come to know Christ. I have children and grand children lost in a world of sin. Nieces and nephews who laugh at the mention of serving God.
I have family members who think I'm a joke for believing in the coming of Christ. Does it hurt my feelings? No, It breaks my heart for them and their eternal life. Everyone is going to spend eternity some where. I cry, thinking about people I love spending their eternity in a fiery hell. For all sinners will be cast in the lake of fire with satan when God has His final judgement on mankind.
I ask you---- Is your life and your sins really forth spending eternity in a place where love is dead, where pain never stops. where agony abounds.
It's so simple to escape that kind of eternity. Just give your life over to Jesus Christ. Confess your sins to Him. He is faithful to forgive. He will give you joy beyond all joys.
Until next time, God bless and God save.