Have you noticed how lying has become such a part of everyday life for some of the people that we know and love. Especially the younger generation. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between lies and truth, because they have developed into professional deceivers. We know by the 10 Commandments that lying is a sin, and reading in
Proverbs chapter 19 verse 5 we read, a false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape. Again in Proverbs we read in chapter 12 and verse 19
the lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment. I won’t continue to give you a bunch of Bible verses, because you can open the Bible most anywhere, and it would tell you lying is wrong. Why do people lie? Sometimes I think people lie because they’re afraid. People lie to justified themselves. People lie to make themselves look good. But no matter the reason for the lie, it’s wrong. Some people believe their own lies. And some people have lied so much, that it just becomes habit. Willard said that he thinks sometimes people lie to fit in. lying to the unawares about fame or fortune to fit in with a class of people. By doing such as this you’re not only telling lies but living a lie as well. But no matter why the lie, no one can be justified in it. If one is an un-repentive liar, they are not living in fellowship with God. Lies separate us from God. I know quite a few people that lie on a daily basic. Their lies are so apparent, it’s hard not to notice. And yet these same people profess to be Christians. This is a world gone mad. A world in which delusions of lies are preached in many pulpits. Many ministers have been swayed over by Church members feelings, and the political climate of today’s world. They now tickle the ears of their congregation. And as the Bible tells in
2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 11, and God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. And what should really scare many people is the next verse,
12 that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. The only answer I can give anyone to all this is we all need to get in, and stay in the word of God. And when you see Preachers, teachers or anyone misusing the word of God for their own purposes, Speak Up!
Until next time, God bless and God save.